
Work with Us

Telefonisten mit soliden Deutschkenntnissen ab B2-Niveau

*Fragebögen sind bereits mit vorgegebenen Fragen und Antworten vorbereitetInteressenten sollten folgende Kriterien erfüllen: – Sie sollten Kommunikationsfähigkeiten haben,– Sicheres Deutschsprechen,deutschlesen und deutschschreiben,– Stabile Internetverbindung(falls nicht

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Hi, my name is Joco Velkov, Velviem International founder in Macedonia. We have two offices, in Skopje – Macedonia. But where you work isn’t important.

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Phone Operator

Skopje – Macedonia We are looking to recruit highly professional Telephone Interviewers to carry out a variety of B2B and B2C projects. Successful candidates must

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Telephone Interviewer

Skopje – Macedonia Your tasks Establishing contact with potential respondents both in the professional field as well as with consumers. Conducting high-quality, structured interviews, with

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Did we call?

Your telephone display indicates that one of our numbers has tried to reach you several times.

Velviem International Research Services GmbH conducts telephone surveys at a national and international level for various clients. For representative surveys your telephone number is selected and called using a mathematical random process. It can occur that numbers are selected that are neither listed in the telephone book nor on the internet. We merely have a telephone number at hand; without any further information whatever. Your participation is, of course, voluntary.

Since 01.07.2009 research institutes are committed to display the caller’s number on the telephone when calling for market research purposes. The persons being called can then, even if the call has not been taken – e.g. due to absence – establish the identity of the research institute which has called, or is calling concerning the implementation of a telephone interview for the purposes of market and social research.

We guarantee you that you are being contacted for the sole purpose of market and social research and that the possibility of their being any intention of selling you something on the telephone is absolutely out of the question.