Our Data Quality Management for Market Research

Data Quality

At Velviem International we are committed that our clients as well as our respondents get the highest quality in both, the implementation and the expedient results of our studies by means of extensive data quality control. In our day to day tasks, data protection plays a vital role.

What happens with the data collected by Velviem International?

All results of a survey are solely presented in an anonymized form and do not allow any trace or personal identification of the participating respondents or institutions. Personal data is under no circumstances passed on to third parties.

How does Velviem International guarantee transparency with regards to the respondents?

We accord the highest priority to transparency, not only with regards to our clients but also to our respondents. Since July 1, 2009, all research institutes are required to display their number. Velviem International complies with this specification in Skopje (Macedonia)

This way, every contacted potential respondent receives the chance to identify our research institute, even without answering our call.

Which measures are taken to control the quality of the collected data?

The Quality Management System of Velviem International is subdivided into the following process stages:

Field Management : Standard trainings with an interviewer manual, Monitoring, Experience exchange groups, Video-briefings, Central booking system

How does Velviem International verify that
the interviewers are eligible for the projects?

Every new interviewer attends a mandatory training session, which consists of an introduction of the company, an explanation of basics within the field of market research, clarification of interviewer guidelines and a demonstration of different types of questionnaires. The working tools are shown to the interviewers, who have the chance to listen in on a live session.

Additionally, every interviewer follows a specialized video briefing before each new project, which gives a detailed explanation of all the information relevant to the project and goes through the questionnaire. If a video briefing is unavailable, a test interview can be conducted.

Furthermore, all interviewers sign a confidentiality agreement at the beginning of each project, which includes provision to maintain and keep confidential any kind of information regarding individuals, legal persons, organizations, associations, institutions, etc. This ensures that no contents or parts of the questionnaire that are subjected to copyright protection are disclosed, that no data is left unattended, and that the correct approach during the interview, which is outlined within the training and project briefing, is upheld. If no such agreement is available on the client’s end, Velviem can provide a template.

Which control mechanisms exist in order to
review interviewer performance?

At Velviem International, 10% of all interviews are partially monitored, 5% are monitored up to three quarters of the way through, and an additional 5% are monitored in full.

Each interviewer taking part in a project must successfully pass at least two mock interviews before going live in field. The mock interviewers are conducted either among two interviewers and monitored by a supervisor, or between an interviewer and supervisor. This is to allow the interviewers to familiarize themselves with the questionnaire, which includes its structure and possible routings, to give them the chance to develop their own introduction to persuade respondents to participate and to prepare them to spontaneously address any questions or concerns posed by the respondents.

How does Velviem International ensure that external third parties work in accordance with the quality requirements?

Provided that a cooperation with an external third party is requested or confirmed by a client, Velviem International carefully chooses its sub-contractors. Every cooperation agrees a clear regulation of the competences and responsibilities. The complete order process is formalized and the sub-contractor’s obligation to data protection and secrecy is specified in a written contract.

With regards to the quality control of conducting interviews via external third parties, if no internal employee of Velviem International speaks the relevant language, a professional translator is assigned to evaluate the competences of each individual interviewer.

At least one recording of one so-called mock interview has to be evaluated and signed off by the translator before an interviewer may start to work on the project. Provided that the language level is adequate and additionally at least five of the following criteria are met, the interviewer may start calling:

  • Local dialects or accents (if so, it has to be evaluated if the dialect may constitute a problem for the project)
  • Following interviewer instructions
  • Friendliness and self-confidence
  • Verbatim reading of every question
  • Periodic repetition of scales and closed-ended questions
  • Probing of open-ended questions
“You never notice what has already been done, you only see what remains to be done.
Joco Velkov

Did we call?

Your telephone display indicates that one of our numbers has tried to reach you several times.

Velviem International Research Services GmbH conducts telephone surveys at a national and international level for various clients. For representative surveys your telephone number is selected and called using a mathematical random process. It can occur that numbers are selected that are neither listed in the telephone book nor on the internet. We merely have a telephone number at hand; without any further information whatever. Your participation is, of course, voluntary.

Since 01.07.2009 research institutes are committed to display the caller’s number on the telephone when calling for market research purposes. The persons being called can then, even if the call has not been taken – e.g. due to absence – establish the identity of the research institute which has called, or is calling concerning the implementation of a telephone interview for the purposes of market and social research.

We guarantee you that you are being contacted for the sole purpose of market and social research and that the possibility of their being any intention of selling you something on the telephone is absolutely out of the question.